Thursday, February 08, 2007

its great to see so many posts up in our blog!
damn nice to reading storybook lidat..reallie a good way to noe wads going on in each other's life...

Glad that baoyu have chosen a new path in which will bring her more joy..hope ur new work will find u greater happiness n heights in life!! =)

To others out dere trying to ace thru e peak, the stress at work, e headaches from preparing for exams and studies.......................owis rememba to..............

"HANG ON DERE , peeps!"

jus like how we did it before....jia you ok? take care o health too !



Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Wa La Wa LA

Hi Hi, dun like that say leh... i got read blog one ... but in the office i cant post, wait i kena caught, boss says tmr no need to report for work liao.... hahah thank feng bo zi for the updates... yes im busy but not busy granting credit... cos i not so da li yet.... im helping to prepare the proposal tho.... and doing some sai kang admin staff....

got a shock!! bobo become chinese teacher.... feng lao shi, zao!!! wa haahaha cant imagine.... ok la, cant be any worse off than an auditor la... that job really is ou xin li xue.... ehhh this is not to demean the other two auditors intentionally, but judging from the way yall say.... sounds kong bu la....

in good mood today.... after recovering from food poisoning.... hope my endorphins (hope i spell correctly) will last longer...

to the rest, kamateh in wateva y'all are enduring now... times may be good or bad, but pls remember that the world out there is still good and these days, weather have start to improve so well... got wind got sun.... wa lau where to find.....

okie.... went for ccourse today, no need to work hahah, so today got a little bit of energy left to write so much ....

see y'all ard in the blog....

:) yuan

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

updates...for who leh...=\

hmm...just the others reallie read this blog?? i think the last time yz read this blog is when we asked (or rather forced) her to post an entry at her house..which is like zillion years ago...=.= sigh...

anywayz..i duno who is the one who always complain "i am so hungry!" on the train..or who always say "i am not hungry now leh" when i ask her to ta pao food home and ends up cooking horrible maggi mee at home and msn me the /cry icon -.- boringgggggg~

btw..after bao become tcha, she wun be so busy le! hooray~ got 1 more person to jio for ktv! if not so boring...onli got me and a particular dodo -.- zzz...then again, peak is coming...i duno if i will have the time or energy to go out? =( sadz..

p/s: to see my new found hair style..can check out my bloggie...^^;;

Donut Kia aka Miss O.o


Hi girls...

Just some updates....
Bobo - She already tendered... She is going to be Chinese Teacher!!!
I think she'll start her teaching career in March.
Bobo, hope you like your job... All the besttttttttttt!!

Weiwei - she cut her fringe. like a doll now =) Everyday besides telling me she's hungry and bored, nothing new -.-

Ee - struggling with work and studies now. Exams in April. My collleague already almost finsihed studying.. and i'm only at introductory chapters.

Yuan - disappear from earth. hehe.. property market damn shiok now, she's probably busy granting credit..

/feng (auditor no.1) - seems to be immuned from working OTs. Should be having a longer break in March or Apr or something

Wynne (auditor no.2) - disappeared too. seems to be busy eating food and working like MAD in office (as usual)

JY - just finished her exams (finally!). enduring temperature at zero degrees or less. Has yet to received our 2006 xmas card (damn!).

- ling on behalf of all siete-7 members-

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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