Friday, November 28, 2008

Wish List #2

i'm not paiseh to start but i'm just plain lazy haha

1. Black, pure black bikini.. with paddings haha
2. Mini perfume - Ralph Lauren Romance
3. white tshirt with black prints
4. Small Lego set - modern kind not pirates or starwars theme
5. Anything else that is MY STYLE... heh

All i want for Christmas is..... for it to pass ASAP. seriously.

oh well, but i do look forward to the day you guys come over my place :)

- ee -

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wish List #1

Hmm! as everyone seems very paiseh to start the ball rolling...i shall be thick skinned as usual and post my "wish list" first (esp since i am leaving for aussie tml liao)...

1. Gerrard - My Captain's Book
2. Carragher Autobiography
3. Black stockings/tights that are translucent but not tooooo light (not reallie those stockings that aunties wear pls...=X) this might be a bit hard to get :\
4. long necklaces to go w my work clothes or accessories from Chomel also can :)
5. a small plain bag to bring out during lunch (black if possible (no, i am not trying to be like ee -.-))
6. Hello Kitty things also long as it's not too kiddish :P

I think the books might burst the budget lahz so i decided to put in a few more choices...:P any of the above is fine with me :) Muchas Gracias~

Weeeee...tml i no need to go to work (yipee!) and it's the first time i am taking such a long break from work...2 weeks plus 1 day = 17 days away from work! :D

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Steamboat + TCC

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


in your saddest times. at your lowest point in life.
who is there by your side? who is there to listen?
who is there offering a rope to pull you out of the deep hole.
who is there showing care and concern?
who is there to eat sushi with you?
who is there to eat Hk cafe with you?
who is there to eat Swensens with you?
who is there to show concern over emails & msn?
who is there to sing KTV with you?
who is there to swim with you?
who is there to play MJ with you?
who is there to cut hair with you?
who is there to buy straightener with you? to buy cap with you? to buy trackpants with you?
who is there to offer to eat dinner with you, afraid that you dont eat?

new hair cut.
eyes very weird so the face is being covered
anw dont ask ee why she cut her hair.... she cant believe it too..
but well, there are times when u feel like starting afresh and being different....
i guess hair always grows back.... so.. nvm
anw wei had her fringe cut short... like a doll (esp if she is gg to buy her eyelash curler... that makes her eyes even biggggggggerrrrrrr, and more like a doll)... hee

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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