Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bao and Wei's Bday Celeb

Okie i am back for the 2nd part of March babies =P

Next up: Bao and Moi bday celeb @ City Link's Shokudo pasta on 21 March '08

KTV-ing at our new found hangout @ hougang cheap =)

Dinner @ Shokudo Pasta...

D over staffed restaurant with 10,001 waiters/waitresses...who greets you LOUDLY whenever anyone comes in or leaves...mighty intimidating~ =P but the food is GOOD...or maybe cos i was hungry but i found the price for the quality of food quite okie =)

Yuan's salad... looks and smelt yummy! even tho i dun take raw salmon =)

Yuan's Soupie~

Bao's Salmon Pasta

Ee's Ebi Pasta

Our shared PIZZA (teriyaki chicken flavour) YUM~ I like the think crust, all the ingredients sorta blends well together...very good =)

YZ and Moi's Chicken pasta =D YUM x1000~ (I am a chicken freak!)
Writing on behalf of Wynne...=)

Quoting YZ, 'during this time (decorating cards), these 2 are the most "空闲"...' hehe
And it's during this time that I especially miss JY lots (for her artistic talents~muahaha) =P

Bao and I decorated each other's envelope...(see 3rd last pic for the final product~)

Thank you Yuan for decorating my card =P

YZ has been stuck at the first sentence since forever!! lol~

Notice someone's hair is a bit different...?

Gift presentation #1...

Gift presentation #2

Bday gals with Bday gifts and cards~ (I reallie love my card ^^)

The photo that we all love...(nice backgrd^^)

Last but not least, a little gal that was wandering ard...everyone was so amused by her (maybe except me..but she does have a sweet smile)
Yay~ thanks all for the bday celeb...24 sounds pretty old to me..Mentally, I am definitely not 24 yet...still feels rather like when I was 19, 20 yrs old...not that I feel young, I just feel immature...haha...Oh up is Ms Yuan's bday liao! Are u looking forward to it...? =)

Wynne's bday~

Yay~ finally got the photos for our bday celebs...

Wynne's bday celeb @ Central's Billy Bombers on 8 March'08
(well, we wanted to go Ma Maison but apparently it's impossible to get a booking unless u call like 3 days b4hand -.-) We settled for Billy Bombers since it was queue-less but the food that day was surprisingly good so I have no complaints =)

The restaurant...i dunno where did that spoon come from O.O

While waiting for our food to come...

Yuan doing the decos~~ =)

Moi decorating the u spot 2 very free ppl? o.O

Gift presentation...=P

Wynne with the prezzies and card~

D "Just Do It" jacket and Estee Lauder "Pleasure"

6 of us~

Thursday, March 06, 2008

24th birthday wishes

For Wynne =)

How are you all going to celebrate? Hai... really miss the gatherings and all the dinners and drinking and ktv-ing sessions *sob* But still.. hope you all enjoy the celebration and hope you'll stay happy and chirpy always, wynne!

It's going to be the Easter break soon for me but I seems to be having no break this time =( Hai... So how is everyone in their work?? Busy busy and working working all-day long??

Anyway, another update: I've experienced my first earthquake in the UK last week! Hahaa.. it was 1am and i was actually sleeping but was woken up and could feel the bed shaking and walls vibrating. The news said it was 5.2 scale but i guess i was too sleepy and not very awake at that moment to realise what was going on and thought it was just a dream until i read the news and confirmed it was really earthquake!! Coool..

So this is just a little interesting update from me... Hope to see more photos and update here from you guys =)

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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