Thursday, January 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to YZ!

Hee though i'm 3 days late. But I still want to wish Ms YZ a great birthday! Hope you will survive this peak and be a senior very soon! Haha.. But don't always work and work.. got to rest sometimes too =P

Have u guys met for celebration? Update the photos on that day so i can see..!

I'm back for near one month le. Whew.. So fast and seems like i'm still busy with lotsa of things. Anyway a busy life will keep me "entertained" in this entertain-less city, so it's still considered good ba! My only friend here will be leaving UK two weeks later for good and then I'll be left friend-less. The rest have left long time ago to different parts of the country and world! Hai.. what a sad life! Anyway hope i'll get a bit closer to my fellow researchers in office (but don't think it will be) in time to come ba..

Haha don't talk about me le! This post is supposed to be for YZ's Bday =) Happy Birthday again and hope you found some time to enjoy yourself on that day!

From the very ke ai researcher in the west..... *hohoho*

Friday, January 18, 2008

Christmas Gathering 2007 ver2.0

nyahaha... finally i've some time to blog..

Here are some of the photos from my camera..

Activity 1: 食字路口
(Losing) Team members: Wei, Bo & Ee
Linking food: 面粉果 --〉果汁 --〉芝麻糊汤丸 --〉wanton with 酱青 --〉qing chao (仙草)

ee & wei drinking soya sauce... siao...

Activity 2: Pictionary

wonder if eveyone still remember the "Crane" clue? hahax100000 zillion
Yz crane vs Jy crane. lol.

Activity 3 : Present exchange(pls see previous blog entry by JY) & Dinner

Xmas dinner - Pizza + KFC!!! yum1

Last activity: drinking + Truth & Truth session (absent with apologies, yuan & wyn)

疯狂大小game. everyone draw 1 card, smallest card drink. draw joker card, drink 2 shots.
biggest loser, think is bobo.. haha (quite obvious by looking at the photos below)

The night ended with > 50 questions of truth & truth.

I had a great xmas. Hope everyone had fun too. =)

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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