Saturday, August 18, 2007


Hey it's me again... Just to inform everyone that I"ll be back in SG on 26th Sept evening time. Hee btw, I found my house le and will be shifting to the new house in 4 weeks' time. Preview of my house is on my blog =)

Tc people! See you all when I am back for my holiday!.. Miss me hor? heee...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

First post of the month

I realised there was no posting in July. So here I am starting to post for the month of August. How is everyone doing lately?

It's AUGUST!! And I am coming back soon next month... Hohoho... Anyway just an update for everyone. I will be coming back to UK to take my phd in Jan 2008. So I will have about 3 months of holiday in SG. YEA! Haa.. Can eat and shop and meet everyone!

Well, it means that I will be here for another 3 years.. which sounds so long and scary. But when a good opportunity comes along, I should seized it right? So I will need to bear with this last phase of my study life and carry on. So I am now trying to finish my dissertation while I look for my house here so I will have a nice place to live in when I am back. Tiring to hunt for houses... But no choice lo.

Okiez.. hope everyone is doing fine.. the actuary, the banker, the auditors, the credit lender, and the teacher.. Gosh.. after typing this, I realised u all are all professionals! Hm...

K will update u guys again once I found my perfect home! =)

From far far away

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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