Saturday, May 24, 2008

Day 4 of Japan Trip......

Hi gals, me again.....I'm trying to rush through the blog...haha...cos my leave is going to end sad.....reallie no mood to start esp after 3 long weeks of break.....Anyway...hopefully I'm able to finish the blog for the Japan trip...but I doubt so la....I'm only at day 4.....still got 3 more days to write on......and dun even noe if I can rmb what happened in Japan liao...though its only a week memory is terribly bad...hahahaha.....Hmmm....that's all for my crapping....down to day 4 then.....
Day 4 (Gamagori - Hakone - Mt Fuji
The weather for the day was very cold still....but not too bad at least as it was not raining....Once again, can abandon our umbrellas....Yeah! The day begins with breakfast in the hotel....

After breakfast, we proceed to the Takashima Island which is the symbol of Gamagori....Over there, we have to walk through a long bridge in order to get to the Yaotomi Shrine....

The Yaotomi Shrine:

It is believed that upon touching the horse's legs, one will be able to run faster....So, wei, any difference when u run now?heehee...

Met a group of Japanese guys jogging, prob having some training and stuff along the bridge on our way to the Yaotomi Shrine. Despite being physically drained in their workout, they are very friendly still and will greet u back when u greet them... Anyway, after visiting the Yaotomi Shrine,we walked back to feed the pigeons at the other end of the bridge with the food that has been given to us by our tour guide, Ms Ogawa.

Photos that we took along the bridge:

Straight after this, we went to visit the Shizuoka fish market......whereby there are many fish and marine products up on sale. Below are some of the snapshots taken of the fish market:

Me and my fav character......

Anyway, we were supposed to settle our own lunch on this day. As we have a sudden craving for ramen, we decided to look for any nearby place that sells ramen. However, happened to see our coach driver and hence, decided to ask him. Well, our driver is a really nice guy (I'm so sorry, but I really can't rmb his name though)...think its really a blessing to us that we got such a nice driver! Quoting what Ms Ogawa said "wo men jia de si ji zhen de shi hao dao bu xing le"...hmm...I totally agree with this.....Anyway, he not only showed us the way but olso went in to eat lunch with us on this day. On top of that, he even paid for our lunch...we felt bad and wanted to pay him back but he kept refusing and even mentioned something like he treated us as his own daughter.....Besides that, during the trip, he asked Ee who is her fav Japanese artiste and after Ee mentioned Ayumi, the driver would play her concert whenever the 3 of us were on board the coach, waiting for the rest of the tour ppl....In addition to that, heard from the tour guide, Joey (the other tour guide to substitute Ms Ogawa from day 6 onwards as Ms Ogawa had to bring another tour gp to Hokkaido) that the driver, while resting, will try to read and learn English so that he is able to communicate with us and the kids in our tour grp.....He's reallie that the extent that I really got nothing to say abt him.....

Anyway, this is the ramen that we had......
Next, we went to take the shinkansen (bullet train) for a stop, from Shizuoka Station to Shin-Fuji Station....The speed of the bullet train is very fast, more than 200km/h. Anyway, when the bullet train lst pass by the station that we are at, Ee actually got a shock by it as she was standing quite close to the train...haha....

Shizuoka Station...the station that we board the bullet train

Bullet train ticket

Errr....bullet train....

While waiting for the train.......

Yeah....finally on the bullet train...but trust me, reallie can't feel that its gg at such a fast speed....

After one stop, we have reached Shin-fuji....and we are on our way to Mount Fuji!! Yeah...managed to catch a glimpse of Mt Fuji from afar outside the Shin-Fuji station.....haha..we are quite lucky actually...cos Mt Fuji won't appear in front of your eyes every day......and it will jus disappear through the clouds all of a sudden......that's what happened during our journey to Mt Fuji.....

Finally reached Mt Fuji......we are really lucky....managed t0 get to the fifth station....that's the highest station that the coach can go up scenery from Mt Fuji is really fantastics....very beautiful.......and very cold too!!!!! (less than 0 degree)

Here, we post a postcard back home which reached Singapore after we are all back home....
Views from Mt Fuji.....

Hmmm..see what I mean...the view is really so "wow"......haha......
Anyway, after this, we head to a grocery store to buy some food for the nite in the hotel.....

Shopping for some fruits......

In the end, this is what we bought....sakae, asahii beer, choya,tidbits and stawberries which u can't see from here...
Next, we head to our hotel where we had our dinner in the hotel itself....its buffet style dinner once again.....

After dinner, we went for the hotspring once again...haha....this time round, there's both the hot and cold water available....but the cold water is reallie cold....hence, we decided to give that a miss.....Massage chairs are available and we decided to give it a try since our legs are aching from all the walking during the day.......hmmm....its really quite shu fu...very relaxing to jus sit there and rest.......
After that, back to our hotel room.....

And its time to settle down and eat those stuffs that we have bought earlier on.....

Before eating......

After eating....
Hmm....look at the mess that we made...haha...looks kinda disgusting ya.....everything is on the table.......haha...anyway, tried the sakae...but dun reallie like the taste......hmm...prob its the brand that we bought.....dun reallie noe which sakae to choose from then....
Anyway, that's the end of day 4....What an eventful day! I like this day the best throughout the whole Japan abit of feel that I'm actually standing in Japan itself....hahahaha....still find it hard to believe that I have been to Japan...hee......O no...I'm starting to crap again...ooops....Btw, I din peek at wei's blog when I write hopefully it wont be similar when u guys read hers and this entry...hahaha.....Alright then..will update u guys on day 5 again....but might have to wait for some time...since I'm starting work tml fast.....

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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