Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Gathering 2007

Merry Christmas to everyone! Hee.. It's a great yet tiring and sticky day.. Let's have the photos to recap the day! I've chosen the nicest ones to upload.. hehee... (This is only from my camera and there's alot more funny photos in miss ee and yz's cam.. so please upload soon! =P)

A family photo!

Pre-present exchange.. Neat neat. All wrapped up.

Post-present exchange.. Colourful and present-ful!

Masked ladies...

Sweet treat for the day with a so-so-only champagne!

One more family photo!
Drunk and tired?.. .. ..
The end of Christmas update from your beloved Ms JY.
Hope this coming 2008 New Year will be a great year ahead for everyone. Though I won't be here to celebrate with you all, I still hope that the gathering (if there's one) will be a fun fun one! =)

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Christmas Gathering Update

Hi everyone! There are some changes to the Christmas Gathering that is upcoming. Details of the day's events are as follow:

This is the start of our day of FUN!
Activity 1: 食字路口
Venue: Hougang
Duration: 2 to 2.5 hrs
Destination: To be decided
Starting point: 1pm @ Ms Ee's house
Penalty: Losing team buys a bottle of champagne and mini log cake
Rules: 1. Take photos of the venue, food (before and after)
2. Must finish the food!!
Starting and ending food: One decided by each team on that day
Grouping: Draw lots to split into 2 groups of three and four - Group A and B. Ms JY is excused from drawing lots because of her special dietary requirement on that day. =P So I will join one group (Group A) as the 4th person.

Activity 2: Win, Lose and Draw
Reward/Forfeit to be decided on the day

Activity 3: Kranium/Taboo
To be borrowed by Ms Wei and subject to the availability of cards

Other activities: Wacko 之类的, Heart Attack and Charades

Last activity of the day: A drinking, True&True, and pressie exchange session (So don't be made drunk before it's your turn for the truth! Hohohooo...)

Final announcement: The cooking session is cancelled due to the following unforeseen circumstances: 1)Ms JY has special dietary requirement on that day, 2) Ms JY's house is not available for the cooking session, 3) Ms Ee's house is not very suitable for the cooking session to be held (because of the high standard of cleanliness to be kept up.. oops.. hee), and finally 4) 食字路口 is very fun!

Lastly, if there are any objections or suggestions, please raised them up so that the committee can take into consideration and incorporate into the day's event.

Update on behalf of those present during the planning,

[My sincere apologies for not able to join you all for the last gathering. But I am well now! So please ask me out! Hee.. ]

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Invitation to X'mas Party

Dearest all,

You have been invited to a special Christmas party celebration on the 22nd of December 2007. The special event of the day is, ALL invitees are required to prepare a dish on their own. The list of dishes are to be confirmed by the latest 15 Dec so as to give the "organizers" ample time to re-negotiate if there are any clashes. Please note, the right to cook the specific dish will be on a first come first serve basis, please post your dish up asap to avoid disappointment. The guests will act as judges, 1 vote per person and you may vote for anyone except yourself. The winner of this culinary contest will be presented with an attractive prize of 70 dollars voucher (the kind of voucher to be decided at a later date). Besides this, we have also arranged for a gift exchange just for you. Some requests have been voiced out, please refer below for the list of things:

Miss Yuan (aka round) - Yanzhen's brown bag (o.O), accessories such as the long necklace she wore...
Miss YZ - accessories, preferably GOLD necklaces i assume...
Miss Wynne - a pouch to put her pa*, she went on to give a list of things, some of the things include heels, accessories, (i am sry, i reallie forgot >.<)
Miss Bao (aka abalonie) - a cobalt blue belt that costs 5 bucks from amk hub, and...er...ya...tt's it
Miss Ee - accessories (necklaces...again) to go w her office wear look, book (altho she din sound very keen)
Miss Wei - accessories (...and again), LFC related stuffs --- HP chains if possible, accessories from "Chomel", hello kitty things (non kiddish ones =P), make up also can...bleah
Miss JY - unfortunately was unable to join us...(pls do write out a wish list ^^)

Venue: To be confirmed (current choice(s): Miss JY's house.........)
Proposed Time: Afternoon(2pm?)
Dress code: shorts/berms/jeans if possible(might be going bowling)

We do hope you enjoy the party. Have fun!

Yours sincerely,
Wei (on behalf of all the organizers, which is erm...everyone else =.=)

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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